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Customize your correx euro stacking pick bins

Views: 623 Author: correx euro stacking pick bins supplier Publish Time: Origin: Site

Your competitors are already using correx euro stacking pick bins made by Huiyuan. As a result, they can not only get the job done quickly and efficiently but also keep customers happy with short lead times. Correx picking bins minimize damage to inventory during storage. Using them will reduce labor costs and increase the efficiency of processing more orders. And all of this is achieved through the efficient use of corrugated plastic shelf bins.

So, would you choose correx euro stacking pick bins?

The answer is "yes". You obviously want your business to provide at least as good a service as your competitors, preferably better. But how would you do this if they were already using PP picking boxes for warehouse and efficient order picking and packing processes? One answer might be to look for advanced strategies in your order picking and packing process. However, a simpler answer is to directly utilize specific correx picking bins according to your specific requirements.

Advantages of Corrugated plastic shelf bins

  • PP picking boxes for warehouse (or racks or parts bins) offer many obvious and hidden benefits to your operation.

  • Starting with the obvious, correx euro stacking pick bins can be used to organize and segment your inventory efficiently, enabling you to manage your inventory more efficiently.

  • More than that, however, they allow your team of warehouse staff to pick orders faster and more efficiently.

  • This has many direct and indirect benefits. First, it reduces your labor costs - because more orders can be picked per person per working day. Secondly, correx picking bins allow you to complete more orders and grow your business. They also help boost employee morale, effectively making their jobs easier and less frustrating.

  • This also indirectly affects your relationship with your customers. Orders are shipped faster. Order picking errors are minimized. Inventory will not be damaged in storage.

  • Ultimately, you serve your customers better and faster, who in turn are more likely to repeat business and recommend your company and products to others. Most importantly, it helps your overall sales.


8 options to enhance your picking boxes for warehouse

However, you may already be using pick boxes. As mentioned at the outset, it's likely that your competitors are also using pick boxes or similar, diluting or negating any advantage you might have.

What would you do?

Well, there are at least 8 options to enhance your corrugated plastic shelf bins, each of which can reduce costs, increase productivity, and potentially give you an edge over the competition.

The main customization options available (depending on the specific solution you choose) are as follows:

  1. Custom color

  2. Change strength/material thickness

  3. Tailored size

  4. Inner divider (Reference: Foldable Plastic Picking Bins With Dividers)

  5. External printing

  6. Label

  7. Freestanding or shelf design

  8. Special Materials/Properties


Contact us to customize your correx picking bins

We are a leading corrugated plastic shelf bins manufacturer with rich experience, a professional team, and first-class customer service. We always try our best to provide customers with more convenient and professional one-stop overall solutions.

If you need correx euro stacking pick bins or other corrugated plastic products, please feel free to contact us at any time! We will get back to you ASAP, and also can arrange a free sample for you!

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