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5 Major Applications Of Printed Correx Board

Views: 619 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: Origin: Site

The relevance of correx board also known as fluted polypropylene has never been limited to its brief to medium term signage utilization.


Some of its selling point features are its durability and lightweight, making it a better upgrade on laminated paper and card.


However, to carry out a correx board printing, you will need to partner with a reliable and experienced correx board printing professionals.

 correx board

There are numerous uses of printed correx board but I will highlight the top 5 here without preference to ordering:

1. Estate Agent Signage

Almost all of the boards that are up for sales are printed correx board because of the cheapness yet durable and weather-resistant nature of the board.


The estate agent signage board comes in two main forms. The flag style and the “T” style.


For the “T” style correx board printing, the printing is often done on 2 x 4mm pieces of correx board.


It is stuck or welded along the short borders to form a pocket to allow a post to pass through.


However, in flag style correx board printing, a 6mm fluted board is used and the post is attached to one of the short borders.


The limitation with the number of colors that can be displayed on a printed board in the past has been solved with the invention of the current digital print.


Estate agents can now afford to blends of numerous colors and even photographs to their competitive advantage.


2. Construction Sign Boards

One important place where the application of correx board printing is useful is at a construction site.


Just at the entrance and other strategic locations at the site, there needs to be relevant safety and health printed correx board put in place.


All field-based rules, likely hazards, and PPE equipment can be displayed at the entrance of the site.


Often, these health and safety boards only need to stay temporarily for the time spent on the site; hence, a correx board is an ideal material to use.


3. Directional Signage

The cost of hosting events like cycling, running, triathlon can be very high. Hence the need to cut down cost where necessary.


For an organizer of such an event, you need to adequately and strategically position wayfaring signage to direct the participants.


Correx board printing will afford you a cheap, temporary, and reusable material since you can dismantle them and use it for the next edition of the event.


You can also use the printed correx board as a danger sign to notify the residents of the events or possible road closedown.


4. Trade Signs

If you want to showcase your work and worth to your world as a roofer, builder, or scaffolder.


The simple and cost-effective way of advertising doing this is using printed correx board.


This you can strategically place outside the property where you are working.


5. Festival and Event Signage

With correx board printing, you can cut down the cost of advertising your festivals and events since the correx board is cheap, weatherproof, and ideal for temporary use.


With multitudes of attendees for the event, they need to know how to locate the restroom or even the beer pavilion.


Using a printed correx board ensures that the guests are directed around the venue where they are strategically positioned.


Many times you may need to change your bar menus as the prices and brands often fluctuate.


A correx board printing gives you a smart looking, yet inexpensive and cost-effective menus.



Judging from the uses of the printed correx boards, they are multipurpose. They are weatherproof, light-weighted, and cost-effective.


However, you need reliable and experience correx board printing professionals to get the bring best out of a quality correx board.


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